So much has happened the last 3 1/2 mo.
To sum it up:
-My brother Jon got married in SLC, Utah to my new, sweet sis-in-law Elisha.
-I turned 21! Woohoo!
-Kyle celebrated his 1st Father's Day as a Daddy!
-My Sister, Mary came to visit with her 2 kids Bridget, and Cole.
-Kyle surprised me with a fun weekend trip to Tombstone/Bisbee, AZ.
-James took his first plane ride to Montana to our cabin for the 4th of July week.
-James started sleeping through the night! YAY!
-James had his Baby Blessing Aug. 2nd
-Kyle went back to School :(
-I started my last prerequisite class for Nursing.
I am sure I am missing something, or lots of things but thats a bit of what's happening with us!
Note: The pictures are in opposite order in which they occured.
The happy Bride & Groom! Married on June 13, 2009 (Which also happens to be my Birthday!)
Shado I am so glad you finally updated :) You're family is ADORABLE!! :) Miss you!
Hi Shadolyn. I am Nic Despain's wife. you little guy sure is adorable. Nic has been trying to get ahold of Kyle to see you guys wanted to get together with us and Mike and Cara hill for dinner and a game night some time. Let us know!
Wait a minute!! I about fell off my chair when I saw that you updated your blog. Very cute pictures :)
I'm glad you found your way back to our blog:) I was afraid I might lose a few people in the transition.
Your hair looks so cute! I can't believe how big James is! That's awesome that you are so close to being ready for nursing school. Hopefully we can get together soon and visit:)
Love the hair. So sad we missed the blessing. Love that gorgeous baby boy! He must be related to me. :)
Can't wait to see you soon sista! Love your guts!!
Shadolyn!!! I was so excited to see you commented on my blog. You are so sweet, thanks! It really has been forever huh... I was telling my husband last night how we use to be inseperable! haha. Your little boy is adorable, I'm sure you are an amazing mom! I love keeping up with your blog :)
Hey you blogged!!! haha. Your new hair cute is so cute. I can't believe how cute and big he has gotten...well i can, such a wierd figure of speech.
Hey! So Scarlette and James have the same blessing date. Thought that was neat. How are you?!
Your hair is so cute!! You are a brave girl!!! I always get so scared to cut my hair. James is such a cutie! Looks like you guys are doing good!
k, james is a doll, he has so much personality already!! so cute. Sounds like you had a fun summer. We feel terrible, we want so much to take a trip to visit, but we're SO busy. but we're still trying to figure out a plan...miss you guys!!
Shadolyn! I just noticed your comment on my blog. Your little guy is soo cute! In one picture he looks JUST like kyle! We would love to get together with your guys too. When are you coming around?
Your little guy is just too cute! I love those eye and chubby little cheeks! Those are the best to kiss :) We would love to see you guys again and meet baby James. Tell Kyle to call Mike!
Hey Shay, its Shay! So happy that you found my blog- Im still new at this but its been fun seeing everyone! Your family is ADORABLE, im so happy for you. YES! I got into dental hygiene school, but not at MCC- Rio Salados 15 months program, which means I can be pregnant in about 20 months;-) Miss you girl
Can't wait to see pics of the house!! I keep coming back in hopes . . .
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