Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
Well James and I are off to Oregon tomorrow for Christmas with the family. Kyle will join us next week. So if I don't get the chance to get back on before the New Year I just wanted to wish everyone a very....

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Family Pictures!
Happy Holidays! Yeppp its been that long since we've posted. Well lots has been happening for us these last couple of months. The biggest of all being that we bought our 1st house!!! We couldn't be more thrilled to be on our own again but are so grateful to both our parents, mostly Kyle's for letting us live with them for so long and for being so good to us!
Another big thing for us is that we had our 1st Family pictures taken the middle of October. We just got them back so I wanted to share them with you!!
I hope you are all doing well and that your enjoying the cold weather, or cool weather by AZ standards!!! Talk to you soon! Hopefully :)

Another big thing for us is that we had our 1st Family pictures taken the middle of October. We just got them back so I wanted to share them with you!!
I hope you are all doing well and that your enjoying the cold weather, or cool weather by AZ standards!!! Talk to you soon! Hopefully :)

Thanks so much to Ashley Madsen for doing such a great job!!! http://www.ashleymadsenphotography.com/
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Hello again!
So much has happened the last 3 1/2 mo.
To sum it up:
-My brother Jon got married in SLC, Utah to my new, sweet sis-in-law Elisha.
-I turned 21! Woohoo!
-Kyle celebrated his 1st Father's Day as a Daddy!
-My Sister, Mary came to visit with her 2 kids Bridget, and Cole.
-Kyle surprised me with a fun weekend trip to Tombstone/Bisbee, AZ.
-James took his first plane ride to Montana to our cabin for the 4th of July week.
-James started sleeping through the night! YAY!
-James had his Baby Blessing Aug. 2nd
-Kyle went back to School :(
-I started my last prerequisite class for Nursing.
I am sure I am missing something, or lots of things but thats a bit of what's happening with us!
Note: The pictures are in opposite order in which they occured.
I chopped my hair off...they took about 6 in. off!
My cute boy! He loves his Jumper.
So much has happened the last 3 1/2 mo.
To sum it up:
-My brother Jon got married in SLC, Utah to my new, sweet sis-in-law Elisha.
-I turned 21! Woohoo!
-Kyle celebrated his 1st Father's Day as a Daddy!
-My Sister, Mary came to visit with her 2 kids Bridget, and Cole.
-Kyle surprised me with a fun weekend trip to Tombstone/Bisbee, AZ.
-James took his first plane ride to Montana to our cabin for the 4th of July week.
-James started sleeping through the night! YAY!
-James had his Baby Blessing Aug. 2nd
-Kyle went back to School :(
-I started my last prerequisite class for Nursing.
I am sure I am missing something, or lots of things but thats a bit of what's happening with us!
Note: The pictures are in opposite order in which they occured.
The happy Bride & Groom! Married on June 13, 2009 (Which also happens to be my Birthday!)
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Scrub a dub dub
It always amazes me everytime I get on here to blog again how much time has gone by! I'm even more amazed with how fast James is growing. He turned 6 wks old yesterday...I don't know where time has gone. He is just so adorable and cute! I'm even ok when people think he's a girl because girls are usually cuter! Just 1 1/2 wks ago we were finally able to give James his first REAL bath which we of course documented for years of blackmail...it went as follows.
At first he was hanging out, thinking it was O.K. That quickly changed to...
At first he was hanging out, thinking it was O.K. That quickly changed to...
being REALLY upset. That continued until...
Needless to say we are having a blast watching him grow and seeing how he changes everyday!
he finally got his hair combed, his favorite pass time. :)
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Life with James
Time has certainly flown since James was born. Yesterday he turned 3 wks old! He is growing so fast...literally. He has gained 2 lbs and grown 2 inches since we was born, I'm afraid we're going to have ourselves a little chunky monkey! I am just glad he is healthy and adorable!
My 2 cute boys on James 1st trip to church; 12 days old
I just thought this was funny...
I love cuddling with my lil boy! 13 days old
James, he's so hot this year! His Magnum look in the works. (Zoolander lover)
19 days old
Kyle and I are loving being parents even despite the sleep deprivation! Everyday is exciting to be able to see how he is growing and changing!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
He's FINALLY Here!
We were so eager for our little guy to come that he decided to make us wait! What a stinker! I ended up having to be induced and about 8 1/2 hours later he finally came.
We'd like to introduce
James Fender Johnston
Born: Tuesday, April 14 7:04 pm
Weight: 7 lb. 11 oz.
Height: 19 1/2 in.

Thursday, February 19, 2009
Could be Worse : /
Ok so its not exactly my birthday (that will be in June) but I saw this on Melissa's blog and wanted to see what it said about me. For the most part its accurate, but a bit over the tops. Your thoughts? And nope, I won't get upset if you agree with it! :) I was excited to see that April is my power month though because thats when our little guy comes!
You Are a Despot |
![]() While others respect your competence, you can be a bit of a dictator. Hard working and serious, you never let yourself down. You are exact and accurate - and you expect others to be the same way. Your strength: You always get the job done Your weakness: You're a perfectionist to a fault Your power color: Gray Your power symbol: Checkmark Your power month: April |
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
Monday, January 26, 2009
Cole Nicholas Newton
I'm a little behind and he's a few weeks old now but my sister Mary had a baby boy! Yay someone for our little guy to play with.
He was born on Tuesday, January 6th at 5:56 pm.
Weighed: 7lbs 8 oz
Length: 20.5 inches
Weighed: 7lbs 8 oz
Length: 20.5 inches
Congrats guys, we can't wait to meet him!
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