So much has happened the last 3 1/2 mo.
To sum it up:
-My brother Jon got married in SLC, Utah to my new, sweet sis-in-law Elisha.
-I turned 21! Woohoo!
-Kyle celebrated his 1st Father's Day as a Daddy!
-My Sister, Mary came to visit with her 2 kids Bridget, and Cole.
-Kyle surprised me with a fun weekend trip to Tombstone/Bisbee, AZ.
-James took his first plane ride to Montana to our cabin for the 4th of July week.
-James started sleeping through the night! YAY!
-James had his Baby Blessing Aug. 2nd
-Kyle went back to School :(
-I started my last prerequisite class for Nursing.
I am sure I am missing something, or lots of things but thats a bit of what's happening with us!
Note: The pictures are in opposite order in which they occured.
The happy Bride & Groom! Married on June 13, 2009 (Which also happens to be my Birthday!)